JMW architecten - Europaweg Helmond

Europaweg Helmond

Opdrachtgever BurgtBouw - CRA Vastgoed - Next development
Locatie Europaweg Helmond
Jaartal 2020

JMW architects has been approached to set up a design for the redevelopment of a prominent location at the Europaweg in Helmond. The current real estate at the plot will be removed to give space to a new apartment building. The design will consist of four building levels. An extra building layer will be added next to the traffic intersection, to strengthen the volume of the design at this point. Parking lots are situated underneath and behind the complex. The building gives space to 78 apartments, varying in size.

JMW architecten - Europaweg Helmond
JMW architecten - Europaweg Helmond
JMW architecten - Europaweg Helmond
JMW Architecten